OmniShredder Boxshot
OmniShredder Author
DefendGate (Todd Anstey)
OmniShredder Features
OmniShredder is a digital Document shredder that completely erases any trace of a deleted File from your Pc. Following are some Good reasons why OmniShredder is the digital Document shredder of choice:
1. 30 million Americans have been the victims of identity theft in the last five years.
2. On average victims of identity theft lose $10,200 USD per incidence.
3. Deleted Files can stay on a Computers Hard Drive For years before they are totally erased.
4. Data Recovery Software is readily available and Easy to use.
5. When your Pc is repaired, sold or stolen your Financial and Personal deleted Data becomes vulnerable.
Protect your Data today!
Feature List:
1. Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface that makes shredding private digital documents very Simple to do. 2. Uses an 18-pass Document shredding technology to provide you with maximum protection.
OmniShredder Price
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OmniShredder Screenshot
OmniShredder Operating Systems
Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP
OmniShredder System Requirements
Windows 95/98/2000/XP 32 MB of RAM 5 MB Hard Drive space